Red Haus Holistic Fasting Retreat July 11-14 2025
Northbrook Ontario
Beautiful home in the woods with hot tub
4 day all inclusive Fasting healing retreat
Plant medicine ceremonies with Kambo, Bufo, and Hapeh
Sacred Yoga
Herbal medicine making class
Full moon water bath
Multi cultural Teachings
For more details follow us on Facebook
Red Raven Holistic Medicine
Soul Tribe Health and Wellnes
Yogamanda studio
Friday October 18 2024
Full Moon Fire & Cacoa Ceremony Fri Oct 18, rain date Wednesday Oct 16 2024 6:30pm
Please RVSP
Location Long Point Beach just east of the provincial park 6:30 pm
Free event
Please note this event will be 3-4 hours long
items to bring~
Coffee mug
Blankets, to sit on, and or to keep warm
Rattle or a drum if you have them
A small bundle of twigs, say anywhere from 1 to 10, about the sise of a pencil, and as long as your hand. Please blow your breath into each one of these twigs (fallen from a tree), an intention of something you would like to release in your life, something you would like to manifest in your life, or a prayer to heal someone who is sick. This will be offered to the fire.
The flow of the Ceremony:
A circle is formed around the fire,
A smudging of participants will take place
Opening of sacred space
Fire will be prepared and started
We will sing a song to call upon the feminine water spirits of earth mother, asking her to come and meet up the masculine spirits of the fire. This song asks that the masculine and feminine sacred energies be in perfect love, and perfect balance with each other. In this way the participants at the fire can become this sacred balance of harmony and love as well
All the prayers will be offered into this space of empowered harmony and love
Nitche Tai Tai, N U I
Ora Nike Ora Nika
Hey Hey...Hey Hey
Ooo Ai
The host will feed the fire will with olive oil 3 times
the first for an offering for the 4 directions
the 2nd for an offering to the earth, and then the heavens
the third offering connects the participants with the fire, honouring all those present, seen and unseen.
The fire will change to a friendly fire, and the host will open the Ceremony of offerings, by making their offering to the fire. They do this with either a physical person at their back to hold space, or one of the lineage medicine ancestors, energetically at their back holding space.
Once the host has made their offering, all others are envited to make their offerings of their prayer sticks to the sacred fire.
Note: there will be some cedar available to offer the fire as a thank you.
Once you made your offerings you are invited to pull some of the renewed energy from the fire, by drawing this smoke energy from the fire into your belly, then to your heart, then to your forehead. This way you are feeding those centers of right action/work (Yankay), right unconditional loving (Munay), and right envision of wisdom (Yachy) to grow a new path of transformation that occurs at fire ceremony.
After this a Pachamama stick will be passed around the circle for all to place their blessings and thanks to Mother Earth by blowing these intentions into the stick. Once completed, two people, preferably a male and a female, will offer this to the fire and we ask if everyone can please close their eyes in silence for a few moments.
At this time, it is customary to invite ancestors of the land on which the fire ceramony is being held to come and warm their hands by the fire. To offer their prayers to the flames, and use the smoke that trails up to the stars, as a sacred pathway home if they desire. We will turn away from the fire for a few minutes to allow shy spirits to come.
We will do a Thanksgiving and pass a feather around for all to say what they are thankful for
Next, we will follow this with the Cacoa ceremony, with songs
We can each pick a tarot card if you choose to
We will subg a prayer song to help heal our sacred waters of Lake Erie
Everyone is welcome to have a small chakra clearing if they choose too if time permits.
The host will close sacred space.